On Location with Adega Algueira

Established in 2005 by Fernando González, Adega Algueira has led a quality-driven revolution in the Ribeira Sacra. Fernando is like the Lorax: he speaks for Ribeira Sacra. He considers himself a mouthpiece for the region, spreading the message of Ribeira Sacra’s history and tradition. Now, second-generation Fabio has joined his father at the helm of the winery.

We spent an afternoon in some of their most iconic vineyards, talking about the Ribeira Sacra’s terroir and what it means to make wine in the land of heroic viticulture.

ratiño gallega grape

DO Rías Baixas, IXP Barbanza e Iria Add Ratiño to Approved Grapes

The Ratiño Gallega grape variety is the newest addition to the roster of approved grapes for DO Rías Baixas and IXP Barbanza e Iria. Ratiño is a native variety that survived the 19th-century triple threat of powdery mildew, downy mildew, and phylloxera in the region of Pontevedra, and was rediscovered over 30 years ago by …

In the Vineyard with Rafael Palacios

Rafael Palacios is crafting world-class wines from Godello in Valdeorras. From his 100-point Sorte O Soro to the entry-level Louro, this Riojano has established himself as one of the region’s leading winemakers.

We spent a day driving around Valdeorras, visiting his different vineyards as he explained his philosophy behind winemaking and what makes this region of Galicia the greatest terroir for Godello.

Reinventing Galicia

Miguel Crunia is a sommelier and founder of Edinburgh-based importer and online wine shop Fìon. He’s also a proud Gallego. His group ‘Grupo Orixe’ is advocating for a more terroir-based understanding of Galician wines, and even pushing for a new pyramid of quality based on villages and historic vineyards. We sat down to talk about the challenges of selling Galicia, how he tries to represent smaller wineries, and his vision for the Galicia of tomorrow.


Photo © Noah Chichester, 2022 Valdeorras has become famous for godello, a grape that was brought back from the edge of extinction to make some of the most exciting white wines coming out of Galicia today.  It’s common to hear this region called the “gateway to Galicia,” and for a good reason: the Romans passed through Valdeorras …